YEMEN Press Agency

Emirati Researcher says Egyptian President is beggar at feet of Gulf rulers

SANAA, June 26 (YPA) – The well-known Emirati researcher Abdel Khalek Abdullah said that the Egyptian President Abdel Fatah al-Sisi as a beggar at the feet of the Gulf rulers.

This came in an interview with the “economist” the UAE magazine
published on Monday.

“The Arab world is living what it calls” the moment of the Gulf, where the Arabian Gulf Oil kingdoms have moved to the center of the Arab world,” Abdel Khalek Abdullah said.

Asked about the audio recording leaked in 2015 to Egyptian president and his aides, in which Abdel Fatah al-Sisi described the Gulf as just “half-states” with money being treated “like Rice”, he answered, saying that despite his contempt of the Gulf, the ruler of Egypt became  a beggar at the feet of kings, princes, and sultans of the Gulf states “.


“The smallest Gulf States have a greater influence than the larger Arab state,” he noted, “Many of the ancient Arab strongholds have been overthrown,” he added.