YEMEN Press Agency

Iran declares support for struggle of Palestinian people

TEHRAN, April 09 (YPA) – The Iranian Foreign Ministry called for fighting the occupying Israeli regime the defenseless Palestinian people’s legitimate, obvious, and natural right.

In a Saturday statement, spokesman Saeed Khatibzadeh called such struggle a response to the Israeli regime’s recurrent violations against the holy sites in the occupied city of al-Quds, and the regime’s continuous crimes against the Palestinian people, who are already facing intense instances of deprivation.

The Islamic Republic backs the Palestinian cause of liberation from Israeli occupation and aggression, the official asserted.

Addressing the recent developments across the occupied territories, Khatibzadeh considered the “racism, crackdown, bloodshed, imprisonment as well as the extensive deprivation, daily denigration, and naked terrorism that is enforced by the apartheid Zionist regime” against Palestinians to be the root cause of the unrest across the occupied territories.

The comments came two days after a shooting attack killed at least two people and injured eight others in the heart of Tel Aviv.