YEMEN Press Agency

Sanaa gathers to support Yemeni Hurricane campaign

SANAA, March 17 (YPA) – Tribes and sheikhs of Al-Hima Al-Kharjiya district gathered on Thursday in a protest rally to confirm their support for the Yemen Hurricane Campaign in the face of the Saudi-led coalition.

In the rally, the participants stressed the importance of continuing to supply fronts and enhancing steadfastness to athwart the coalition’s plots targeting Yemen.

They called Yemeni tribes to mobilize towards the fighting fronts for consolidating the victories of the army and popular forces in defending national sovereignty and the dignity of Yemenis.

The rally denounced the shameful silence by the international community regarding the crime of systematic starvation that the coalition deliberately have intended under American auspices, in preventing the entry of oil ships as a complete crime and the schemes of the aggression, to try to subjugate the Yemeni people.