YEMEN Press Agency

YPC’s spokesman: Aden oil company raises price of oil derivatives coming to Sanaa

SANAA, March 14 (YPA) – Yemen Petroleum Company (YPC) revealed that the US-Saudi mercenaries in Aden raised the prices of petroleum products for the tanker coming to the capital, Sanaa, and the neighboring governorates.

The official spokesman for the YPC, Issam al-Mutawakel told Al-Masirah, that Aden oil company in Aden imposed a new price on petroleum products, even though the materials were stored and the price of their stock was low with the aim of increasing the suffering of citizens

Al-Mutawakel revealed that the US-led aggression coalition had delayed releasing the fuel tanker “Caesar” despite delay fines on it to reach the Yemeni people at a high price.

He stressed that the company denounces the arbitrary measures of the US-Saudi aggression and its mercenaries to deprive the Yemeni people of their right to obtain oil derivatives at the lowest costs and easily.