YEMEN Press Agency

Video: Sanaa reveals scenes of launching drones towards Saudi and Emirati depths

SANAA, Feb. 15 (YPA) – Military media of the Yemeni armed forces released a video footage documenting the launch of a large group of drones in previous military operations that hit the Saudi and Emirati depths.

The video showed the taking off of a number of Sammad 1,2,3 drones, from different places, as the planes appear on their way to carry out targeting operations in the Saudi and Emirati depths.

The scenes revealed the way in which the drone air force launched and directed in a professional manner that reveals the technical development of the technical teams in the drone air force.

The drones of the Yemeni army carried out hundreds of military air operations with large numbers of drones, targeting military and vital targets in the Saudi depth and mercenary gatherings, as well as to targeting goals in the depth of the UAE in Abu Dhabi and Dubai.

This scenes came to deny the propaganda and claims that circulated by the Saudi-led coalition’s reports about the Yemeni army’s drones launched from residential areas and civilians objects.