YEMEN Press Agency

Islamic Jihad condemns Bahraini government’s reception of Zionist PM

GAZA, Fell. 15 (YPA) – The Islamic Jihad movement in Palestine condemned Bahrain’s welcome to Israeli occupation Prime Minister Naftali Bennett on Monday, saying that any normalization of relations with the Zionist regime and the welcome of the officials of this regime is an encouragement for them to continue their aggression against the nation, the land and the holy places of Palestine.

The movement said in a statement that The presence of any Zionist in any Arab country is an insult to the Arab land and will not benefit the Islamic countries and nations; Rather, it poses a threat to our countries.

The ambitions and dreams of the children of Zion and their Talmudic grudges against our nations, which reject normalization and unity with this regime and are the enemy of our religion and nation, are not hidden from anyone, the statement read.

Islamic Jihad called on the brotherly nation of Bahrain and all the Islamic Ummah to continue rejecting the compromise with the Zionists and to condemn all the compromisers and allies with the Zionist enemy, because it is the nations that are genuine and enduring and express the conscience of the Ummah and its principles and ideals.