YEMEN Press Agency

Taliban: Washington has not complied with Doha agreement

HABUL, Feb. 14 (YPA) – Afghanistan’s acting Foreign Minister Amir Khan Muttaqi confirmed the United States has not complied with the provisions of the Doha Agreement signed with it.

Taliban officials remain on the blacklist, he said. Instead of cooperating with the movement, sanctions have been imposed on it,  Amir Khan Muttaqi said.

The United States has not complied with the terms of the Doha Agreement ,” he said in an interview with the news agency.

For example, the agreement stipulated that prisoners of the Islamic Emirate would be gradually released within a few days. And it didn’t happen. Another promise is to remove Islamic emirate officials from the blacklist, but it has not happened so far.”

The United States has pledged to cooperate in the reconstruction of Afghanistan, and will encourage other countries to do the same, and instead of cooperating, sanctions have been imposed,” he added.