YEMEN Press Agency

Health Ministry condemns continued detention of fuel ships

SANAA, Feb. 01 (YPA) – The Ministry of Public Health and Population organized a protest condemning the US-Saudi-Emirati escalation and the continuation of detention fuel tankers. The participants denounced preventing fuel tankers from entering the port of Hodeidah, despite obtaining UN permits and completing all examination procedures.

They stressed that the arbitrary violations of aggression will lead to the halt of many public and private hospitals, facilities, specialized centers, dialysis centers, oxygen factories, medical laboratories and blood banks during the coming hours.

The detention fuel ship will also lead to the suspension of intensive care services, obstetric and neonatal emergencies, and ambulances, which endangers the lives of tens of thousands of patients. Citizens are at risk of certain death.

A statement issued by the protest reporting that  the numbers and indicators that show the scale of the health disaster in the event that the ban on fuel and the deliberate destruction of the health system will result in the suspension of 339 public and private hospitals and ten oxygen factories, in addition to stopping the services of intensive care departments and major and minor operations.

The statement pointed that 20 government, charitable and private dialysis centers will stop their services, threatening the lives of 5,000 renal failure patients, as well as 2,000 newborns needing care and nursery services, and 500 cases needing caesarean sections.

The statement mentioned that continuing to prevent the entry of fuel tankers would lead to the suspension of all diagnostic methods and radiotherapy and increase the difficulty of moving patients between governorates to receive treatment, especially patients with tumors and chronic diseases.

The ministry held the US-Saudi aggression, international community and the United Nations responsible for the repercussions of the continued detention of fuel tankers and its disastrous effects on the health sector and the low level of medical and treatment services provided to citizens.