YEMEN Press Agency

Yemen’s tribes praise military attacks in UAE depth

SANAA, Jan. 31 (YPA) – Yemen’s tribes praised on Monday the “Yemen Hurricane” operations that targeted the Emirati depth.

In a statement, Tribal Cohesion Council condemned the continued crimes of the coalition and its systematic targeting against civilians and infrastructure.

The statement also denounced the continued blockade against the Yemeni people, who are going through a humanitarian catastrophe in light of the aggravation of the oil derivatives crisis, as a result of the maritime piracy by the coalition countries on oil derivatives ships and preventing their entry to the port of Hodeida.

The council’s statement called on the Yemeni armed forces to carried out more qualitative strikes and strategic into the depth of the coalition countries until stopping aggression and lifting the siege.

It demanded the free tribes of Yemen to continue the general mobilization and raise the state of alert to confront the aggressive conspiracies targeting Yemen.