YEMEN Press Agency

Dhamar receives released prisoner

DHAMAR, Jan. 31 (YPA) – Dhamar province governor’s agent, Abbas Ali Al-Amdi received on Monday the freed prisoner, Rafiq Zaid, who was released from US-backed Saudi-led coalition’s prisons in exchange deal in Jawf province.

During the reception, Al-Amdi praised the prisoner sacrifices in various fronts and all heroes of the army and popular committees in facing the aggression, confirming the interest of the revolutionary leadership, the Supreme Political Council and the local authority in releasing all the prisoners, caring for the wounded and the families of the martyrs, appreciating efforts of the National Committee for Prisoners Affairs.

On the other hand, the released prisoner expressed his thanks, affirming continuing the steadfastness against coalition until achieving the victory.

The reception was attended by General Manager Finance, Abduallah Al-Jarashi and Vice President of the Social Welfare Division in the Central Region, Ahmed Al-Marwani.