YEMEN Press Agency

President Al-Mashat directs armed forces to redouble efforts to deter aggressors

SANAA, Jan. 31 (YPA) – President of Supreme Political Council Mahdi Al-Mashat directed on Monday the Yemeni armed forces to redouble efforts and continue to implement qualitative deterrent operations against to deter aggressors on Yemen.

This came during a statement made to praise the 3th “Yemen Hurricane” operation carried out by the Yemeni missile forces in the UAE depth.

Al-Mashat stressed this operation, which achieved its goals in Abu Dhabi and Dubai, came in response to the UAE’s crimes, aggression and siege imposed on the Yemeni people.

“The Americans and the Israelis cannot provide any protection to the Saudi-led coalition countries, and that their weapons have proven failure and inability,” he added. The factor of stability is abandoning their aggressive project against the Yemeni people, lifting the siege and ending the occupation.

Al-Mashat went on to say, “We had previously warned that the continuation of the aggression, siege, and quest to occupy our country would pose risks to the economy and investment in the UAE.”

Mr. President affirmed that the three weekly operations reflected our ability and determination to implement what we have warned of, until the UAE abandons its aggression, siege and occupation of parts of the country.