YEMEN Press Agency

Coalition launches series of airstrikes on several provinces

PROVINCES, Jan. 31 (YPA) – The US-backed Saudi-led coalition warplanes have launched a series of airstrikes targeting several Yemeni provinces, security sources said on late Sunday.

In Marib, the coalition warplanes launched eight airstrikes on   al-Jubah district, six strikes on al-Balaq area in the Wadi district and three airstrikes on Harib  district.

In Bayda, the coalition targeted Radaa district with an airstrike.

In Jawf, the aggression warplanes launched five airstrikes on al-Yatama and al-Mahashamya areas in  Khub Washaef district.

In Taiz, the coalition targeted Al-Anian in Jabal Habashi district and Al-Kadaha area in al-Ma’afer district with three airstrikes.

In Amran, the aggression warplanes launched an airstrike on Dhi Bin district.

In Saada, the coalition launched three airstrikes targeting areas in Kitaf district.