YEMEN Press Agency

Algeria, South Africa renew rejection of Zionist entity’s presence in African Union

SANAA, Nov. 17 (YPA) – Algeria and South Africa have warned against any move that threatens the unity of the African Union, referring to the acceptance of the Israeli occupation as an observer.

In a joint statement issued on the occasion of the three-day visit, which began Friday in Algiers by Naledi Pandor, the two ministers “reaffirmed their unwavering commitment to support the legitimate struggle of the Sahrawi people for the exercise of their inalienable right to self-determination.”

Both Ministers called on Staffan de Mistura to “coordinate closely with the AU to ensure the implementation of the PSC’s decision, adopted on 9 March 2021, while inviting the Kingdom of Morocco and the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic (SADR), both members of the AU, to enter into direct negotiations,” the same source added.

Lamamra and Pandor further urged the UN envoy to “relaunch the UN process for the implementation of the Settlement Plan unanimously adopted by the Security Council in its resolution 690 (1991),” according to the joint statement.

Algeria had rejected the decision of the President of the African Union Commission to accept membership of the Israeli occupation as an observer.

“The decision, taken without prior extensive consultations with all Member States, does not have any capacity or capacity to legitimize the practices and behaviours of the new observer (Israel), which are totally contrary to the values, principles and objectives enshrined in the Founding Law of the African Union,” it said at the time.