YEMEN Press Agency

Yemen, UN discuss catastrophic repercussions of Sanaa Airport closure

SANAA, Oct. 05 (YPA) – Minister of Transport Amer Al-Marani discussed on Tuesday the catastrophic repercussions of the closure of Sana’a International Airport with the United Nations Coordinator for Humanitarian Affairs for Yemen William David Grisley.

In a meeting, the minister touched on the suffering of patients as a result of the siege and the scarcity of necessary medicines, as well as the risks that patients are exposed to during their travel through the airports of Aden and Seiyun due to the closure of the Sanaa airport.

Al-Marani stressed the need to re-open Sanaa Airport to save the lives of patients and facilitate the return of expatriates to the homeland, adding that Sanaa Airport is the first gateway for the Republic of Yemen to the world.

He called on the United Nations to put pressure on the Saudi-led coalition to quickly lift the siege on the airport for humanitarian reasons, pointing out that the airport provides its services in accordance with international requirements and the Civil Aviation Organization “ICAO”.

The Minister affirmed “that the coalition is practicing maritime piracy on fuel and food ships, in flagrant violation of all international laws and agreements.”

In turn, Grisley confirmed that he would continue his efforts for doing to lift the ban imposed on Sanaa Airport and Hodeida port for the service of humanitarian work.