DHAMAR, Oct. 04 (YPA) – Dhamar governor, Mohammed Al-Bakhaiti, considered the UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council (STC) militia almost besieged by the Saudi-led coalition countries in Aden city, south of Yemen.
Al-Bakhaiti said in a series of tweets on Twitter, “The STC has become almost besieged because the countries of coalition after being placed under the mercy of the Muslim Brotherhood and the Tariq Afash group.”
“There are no salaries, services, and weapons will receive to the STC without approval of the Islah Party’s and Tariq Afash.”
Al-Bakhaiti, addressing the leaders of the STC, said, “A feature of loyalty that the STC must realize does not exist in the dictionaries of greedy countries, and that the correct loyalty is with the homeland.”
Al-Bakhaiti added: “As long as the ambitions of the aggression countries are concentrated in the south of Yemen, they will not allow the STC to build an independent state, and Saudi Arabia’s deprivation of the areas under its control of wealth have revealed its expansionist ambitions.
Additionally, the generous Emirati support for Tariq Afash confirms that he is the future option and most acceptable alternative to Saudi Arabia and Israel.