YEMEN Press Agency

Islah militants impose state of emergency in Marib city

MARIB, Sept. 28 (YPA) – Saudi-backed Islah Party forces in Marib city have imposed an de facto state of emergency in the city put of fear of an internal uprising of the local population, as the National Salvation Government’s forces advance in the district of al- Jubah in the southern fronts.

This was reported by Yemen news Portal, based on testimony of local sources.

According to the sources, the Islah authority imposed checkpoints on the main streets of the city, demanding the identification of passersby.

Islah forces also arrested three citizens at 10 PM, two of them from Taiz province named Yusuf Abdo al-Absi and Ali Mohammed Radman, and a third one from the Obeida tribe, whose identity is not yet available.

Islah Party fears what it calls “sleeper cells” that are allegedly aimed at bringing down the city from within.