YEMEN Press Agency

6 Al-Shabaab militants killed in Somalia

SANAA, Aug. 11 (YPA) – The African peacekeeping force in Somalia, AMISOM, announced that it had killed six members of the “Al-Shabaab” movement during clashes that followed an explosion targeting African soldiers, RT Arabic reported on Wednesday

According to the RT,  the clashes renewed on Tuesday between the African forces (AMISOM) and the “Al-Shabab” movement in the Lower Shabelle Governorate, southern Somalia.

The confrontations erupted after Al-Shabab members ambushed the peacekeeping forces by planting an explosive device that exploded on the side of the road, followed by heavy gunfire between the two sides.

The governor of Lower Shabelle, Abdul Qadir Muhammad Nur Sidi, said in a statement that “the Ugandan forces operating within the African peacekeeping forces repelled the attack, and killed at least six Al-Shabaab militias.”

On the other hand, news sites affiliated with the “Al-Shabab” movement claimed that the militias burned an armored vehicle belonging to “AMISOM”, and killed African soldiers, during an armed confrontation.