YEMEN Press Agency

Hezbollah condemns US aggression in Iraqi-Syrian Border

SANAA, Jun. 29 (YPA) – The Lebanese Hezbollah strongly condemned the treacherous American aggression that targeted the Iraqi-Syrian border on Monday and led to the martyrdom of a number of Mujahideen.

In a statement, the party stressed that what the US warplanes did was a flagrant attack on the sovereignty of the two brotherly countries, to weaken their capabilities in resisting terrorist and infidel groups.

The party praised the official and popular Iraqi positions that unanimously rejected the aggression, expressing its deepest condolences to the heroic martyrs.

It stated that all American raids will increase the insistence of Iraqi people on their right to liberate their country and defend their people and their Mujahideen, stressing that the region will not enjoy stability and security before expelling the occupying American forces from the land of the two countries.