YEMEN Press Agency

Army launches counter-attack leading to control of new sites in Asir

ASIR, June 4 (YPA) – The Yemen army carried out on Sunday a counter-attack against Saudi army’s sites in Alab border crossing of Asir Saudi province, a military official told Yemen Press Agency on Monday.  

The attack came After the Saudi army and  its militias from Yemen and Sudan failed in five successive attempts to sink up  last week to restore Alab crossing from the hands of Yemeni forces, said the official.

The Yemeni army launched a tactical attack on Saudi army’ sites  in front of the border crossing, and controlled  a number of hills and strategic sites.

The official added that the Saudi army inflicted heavy losses in life and equipment in addition lost  sites that was stationed during the offensive.

The army also destroyed a Saudi military vehicle in Rabwa area of Asir.