YEMEN Press Agency

Israeli occupation cancels annual massive settler march in al-Quds

SANAA, Jun.08 (YPA) – Israeli occupation on Monday cancelled the annual massive settler march, which celebrates the occupation of the eastern part of al-Quds  (Jerusalem) in 1967, following the threats launched the Palestinian resistance factions.

Police occupation cancelled the so-called Flag March, scheduled on Thursday, over fears of inflaming tensions with the Palestinian people in the West Bank and the besieged Gaza Strip.

The Yedioth Ahronot newspaper reported Monday that the Israeli occupation police commissioner had finally informed the organizers of the cancellation of the march.

It is worth mentioning that the Palestinian resistance factions had strongly warned the occupation of the consequences of allowing settlers to organize the “March of Flags” and pass through Bab al-Amoud in the Al-Aqsa Mosque in the occupied city of al-Quds (Jerusalem).