YEMEN Press Agency

Hadi’s prime minister arrives in Hadramout

HADHRAMAUT, April 26 (YPA) – Moeen Abdul Malik, head of coalition-backed government arrived on Sunday in Hadhramaut province, eastern Yemen, for the first time since he was expelled from Aden months ago in a move that could strengthen the conflict with the besieged the UAE-backed Southern transitional Council (STC) in Aden.
This was reported by Yemen News Portal, based on sources.

Sources at Al-Rayyan airport said that Moeen arrived along with only the Minister of Health, noting that the presidential palace in Mukalla is being arranged as the permanent headquarters of Moeen.

Moeen left Aden in March, a few days after the STC militias stormed his cabinet headquarters to settle in the Saudi capital until his return to Hadhramaut was arranged.

He also earlier rejected a Saudi proposal to move to Shabwah in a move that indicated his fears that he would remain at the mercy of reform.

The UAE-backed forces deployed on the coast of Hadramaut are expected to provide a protection for the head of Hadi government.

The UAE factions have anticipated a military parade in the streets of Mukalla on the anniversary of what UAE media describe as the “liberation of Hadhramaut,” referring to al-Qaeda’s withdrawal from Mukalla on the basis of agreements with the coalition.

The stability of Hadi’s government in Hadhramaut would impose further siege on the STC which is facing popular revulsion that could have a spate of power in Aden, which Saudi Arabia declared the interim capital of “legitimacy” years ago.