YEMEN Press Agency

Al-Houthi reveals name of first Saudi national martyred while fighting along side with Yemeni army forces

SANAA, March 27 (YPA) – Top member in the Supreme Political Council, Mohammed Ali al-Houthi, reveled the name of the first Saudi fighter, who was martyred in  fighting with the army and popular committees against the Saudi-led coalition forces.

Al-Houthi wrote, via Twitter: “The martyr from Mecca Abdulaziz Yusuf.”

He added: “We hope that a honorable  funeral ceremony on Saturday morning for his body would be held in the capital Sanaa.”

Al-Houthi posted a picture of the martyr, stating that he is from sulaimaniyah neighborhood and was killed on March 22, 2012, in the battle for “Long Breath”, without specifying the location of his death.