YEMEN Press Agency

Leaders in Al-Qaeda killed in confrontations with army in Marib

MARIB, Feb. 9 (YPA) – Leaders in al-Qaeda organization were killed on Tuesday during confrontations with the Yemeni army and among coalition’s mercenaries, Islah militants and al-Qaeda militants from another side in Marib province, local sources told Yemen Press Agency.

The sources affirmed that the army and popular committees launched on Tuesday night a military attack toward camps of the terrorist organization in Marib surrounds.

The sources confirmed that violent battles erupted among the army and al-Qaeda elements in Thana valley, Marib dam, al-Adirm mountain and east of al-Kasara area, inflicting the organization heavy losses in lives including leaders.

The sources revealed that the leader Ali Mohammed Bin Gharib and Zain al-Abdyin Bin Ali were killed, while fate of several leaders still unknown.