YEMEN Press Agency

Sudanese authorities announce formation of new government

SANAA, Feb. 9 (YPA) – The Sudanese authorities announced the formation of the new government, the appointment of Maryam Al-Sadiq Al-Mahdi as Minister of Foreign Affairs, and Gabriel Ibrahim as Minister of Finance.

On Monday, Sudanese Prime Minister Abdullah Hamdok announced his new government, which included the appointment of Jibril Ibrahim, leader of the rebel Justice and Equality Movement in Darfur, as finance minister, and Maryam Al-Sadiq Al-Mahdi, of the Umma Party, as minister of foreign affairs.

On Monday, the official SUNA agency reported that Hamdok had issued a decision to dissolve the transitional government in the country.

The agency said that the Prime Minister, based on the provisions of the constitutional document for the transitional period, issued a decision to exempt the ministers and state ministers in the transitional period government from their posts, and to terminate the mandate of the ministers in charge of discharging the ministries ’burdens, provided that they remain in their positions to conduct business in their ministries until the new government is formed and the handover procedures are completed.