YEMEN Press Agency

Bahrain accuses Qatar of not being serious in fulfilling its commitments

SANAA, Feb. 1 (YPA) – Mohammed Ibrahim Al Sisi Al Buainain, Chairman of the Committee for Foreign Affairs, Defense and National Security, accused Qatar of not being serious about implementing its commitments to the Ala Agreement yet.

The move comes during his meeting with Foreign Minister Dr. Abdullatif Bin Rashid Al-Zayani.

“Bahrain continues to offer good faith and is committed to the terms of the Ala Agreement as a step to address the outstanding issues with Qatar, but the Qatari side has not shown seriousness in implementing its commitments yet,” Al Sisi Al Buainain said in remarks quoted by the Bahrain News Agency.

He noted that “the Qatari side, first and foremost, is not committed to starting a new phase of regional stability to achieve the desired Gulf integration.”