YEMEN Press Agency

Israeli enemy arrests 3 Palestinians in Hebron, West Bank

WEST BANK, Jan. 10 (YPA) – Israeli enemy forces on Sunday arrested three Palestinians, including two lawyers, in the Occupied West Bank.


“The Israeli occupation forces arrested lawyer Suhail Ashour al-Husseini and his son, Lawyer Fahd, after they stormed their house in the Jabal Jawhar area of Hebron,” Palestinian sources said.


“The occupation forces stormed the town of Yatta, south of Hebron, and arrested Hussein Hafez al-Hruni after searching his house and tampering with its contents,” the sources said.


In the same vein, the occupying forces set up military checkpoints at the entrances to the towns of Beit Anoun, Bani Naim and Wadi Al-Saman, and closed the iron gate at the entrance to the town of Beit Awa, west of Hebron.