YEMEN Press Agency

Hodeidah receives 24 Yemeni fishermen

 HODEIDAH, Jan. 9 (YPA) – The General Authority for Fisheries in the Red Sea port city of Hodeidah on Saturday received about 24 fishermen who returned  from the Eritrean prison camps in Al Khubah area.

 The head of the General Authority for Fisheries in the Red Sea, Engineer Hashim Al-Da’ani, affirmed that 24 fishermen returned home after being released from the Eritrean prisons.

He said Yemeni fishermen were kidnapped in Yemeni territorial waters and arrested by Eritrean militias, which have been carrying out piracy against fishermen, looting their property from boats, generators and equipment at the behest of the aggression countries.

Al-Da’ani condemned the Saudi-Emirati aggression against fishermen on the Yemeni coast, as well as the attacks and the prevention of fishing.

He warned the Eritrean authorities against the continuation of their aggressive practice against Yemeni fishermen

Al-Da’ani stressed that the aggression’s insistence on preventing fishermen from practicing their profession and earning their day’s livelihood is part of the sordid plans of the invaders carrying out to kneel and subjugate the Yemeni people.

He called on international organizations to assume their legal and moral responsibility to stop the crimes of aggression and violations against the Yemeni people and their arbitrary practices against fishermen on all Yemeni coasts.