YEMEN Press Agency

Activists accuse Islah of covering up killers in Taiz

TAIZ, Dec. 27 (YPA) – Activists on social media have accused al-Islah leaders of covering up murderers and criminals in Yemen’s southwestern Province of Taiz.

The activists said that the leadership of the so-called Taiz axis is messing with the issues of the oppressed and trying to dilute blood issues.

They pointed out that the case of the killing of two guards of the governor of Taiz province appointed by the coalition last year is being manipulated despite the case reaching the court in the Shamayatayn District.

The activists explained that the de facto authority “Islah” exercises cunning methods and refuses to hand over the rest of the accused for fear of revealing the facts and other crimes.

They also appealed to human rights and humanitarian organizations to intervene to pressure on Islah to hand over killers and to stop putting pressure on the case in court.

Gunmen affiliated with the Taiz axis opened fire on two coalition-designated guards in the city of Al-Turbah, killing them in early October 2019.

It is worth mentioning that the areas under Islah’s control in Taiz province are experiencing insecurity and liquidations between the military and political leaders loyal to the coalition.