YEMEN Press Agency

Al-Houthi comments on Saudi Ambassador’s latest interview

SANAA, May 23 (YPA) – Head of the Supreme Revolutionary Committee Mohammed Al-Houthi commented on the Saudi ambassador’s story, in which he revealed his mission to smuggle Ali Mohsen al-Ahmar from Sanaa, after the fall of the headquarters of the 1st Armored Division, in Sanaa during the revolution of 21 September 2014.

In a series of tweets, he said that “ statements at this time are a clear indication that the Saudis are abandoning the Muslim Brotherhood ” ISLAH Party’s service and that they are dealing with them as terrorists or suspects.

He continued saying: by dealing with the Islah entity in other states, Saudis despise their military leader through the detailed explanation and the use of the word ‘wife’ which is shame in the Yemeni society.

“Ansarullah did not pose any threat to the Saudi embassy if the ambassador felt threatened, he would refuse the presence of a wanted person,” al-Houthi added.

Head of the Supreme Revolutionary Committee Mohammed also said that the Saudi embassy was a military camp where there were snipers and other military personnel, unlike diplomatic embassies that depend on the country’s guardianship.