YEMEN Press Agency

US representative to UNSC: No peace in Yemen except by establishing relations with Israel

SANAA, Oct. 23 (YPA) – The US representative to the Security Council, Kelly Craft has affirmed that there is no peace in Yemen and the region except by establishing relations with the Israeli occupation .

The US representative’s speech came during a session of the Security Council, Tuesday, under the title “Maintaining international peace and security: a comprehensive review of the situation in the Arab Gulf region.”

While the UN Secretary-General, Antonio Guterres, was dwarfing the causes of the aggressive war on Yemen by remarkably speaking about Marib, Jawf and Hodeidah, the US representative declared, in the same session, that establishing relations with the Israeli enemy is the gateway to peace in Yemen, Lebanon, Iraq, Syria and Iran.

These words bring to mind the scene of the so-called Foreign Minister of Pro-Mercenaries Government, Khaled al-Yamani, sitting next to the Prime Minister of the Zionist government, Benjamin Netanyahu, during the opening of the “Peace and Security in the Middle East” conference in the Polish capital Warsaw on February 14, 2019.

At the time, Netanyahu posted on his Twitter account this picture and wrote over it in Hebrew, “We make history.”

In almost complete agreement with the words of the US representative to the Security Council yesterday.