YEMEN Press Agency

UAE-backed mercenaries run over child in Mokha city

TAIZ, Oct. 14 (YPA) – A child was wounded after a military vehicle pickup belonging to a pro-Emirati leader hit him in Taiz province on Wednesday, local sources said.

According to a local source, a military pickup for  belonging “Tariq Afas forces ran over the child “Dhya Abdul Rahman”, from al-Amoudi neighborhood in al-Mokha city.

He was seriously injured and was taken to the Médecins Sans Frontières MSF hospital.

The hospital referred him to the City of Aden, due to his severe injury.

The incident has caused widespread of anger among the people of Al-Mokha, who are subjected to the most heinous violations and arbitrary practices, by coalition forces.

Hit-and-runs becoming more common during the past period, in which many citizens were killed, most of them children and women.