YEMEN Press Agency

New security forces batch graduated

SANAA, Oct. 11 (YPA) – A new batch of province security officers graduated on Saturday under the slogan “The Greatest Prophet” as part of the training center at the Police College in cooperation with the General Directorate of Training and Rehabilitation at the Ministry of Interior.

At the graduation ceremony, which was sponsored by top member in the Supreme Political Council, Mohammed Ali al-Houthi, Interior Minister Maj. Gen. Abdul Karim Amir al-Din al-Houthi.

Mohammed Ali al-Houthi delivered a speech in which he praised the victories achieved by the heroes of the army backed by popular committees and security forces in Marib province.

He stressed that the graduation of the new security batch comes within the framework of the rebuttal and strengthening the security aspect in Marib province in order to enhance security, stability and public tranquility in the liberated areas.

Al-Houthi urged to redouble efforts in various security, combat and specialized tasks and work in accordance with legal frameworks and security regulations.

He  congratulated the graduates and expressed wished them success in their upcoming security missions  in their practical fields to implement what they have been studied and learned on the ground.