YEMEN Press Agency

11 Syrians injured by explosion in Daraa countryside

SANAA, Sept. 28 (YPA) – At least eleven people were injured, one of them in serious condition, when an improvised explosive device planted in a car exploded near a wedding party in the Hayt town of Daraa countryside in Syria.

An explosive device exploded on Sunday evening in a car carrying audio equipment to a wedding party in Hayt  Daraa countryside, injuring 11 people, one of them seriously, the Syrian Arab News Agency reported, citing a police source

The source pointed out that the injured were taken to the National Hospital in Daraa and Al-Sunmin Hospital city for treatment.

A source at Daraa National Hospital said earlier in the day that the ambulance department at the hospital received three injured by shrapnel from an explosive device, adding that one of the injured was in a serious condition.