BAYDA, Aug. 28 (YPA) – Al-Qaeda terrorist elements executed six citizens in Bayda province, central of Yemen, Security sources revealed on Friday.
According to the sources, al-Qaeda terrorists had kidnapped six citizens from Al-Arsas while crossing from Sayla Tayab in the Maswara district, and executed them on the charges of providing information to Sanaa forces (Yemeni army and popular Committees)
On Tuesday, Al-Qaeda terrorist elements have blown up the Al-Sawma’ah Medical Center, east of the same province.
The sources confirmed that terrorist militias planted a large number of explosive devices in the building, and detonated them from a distance.
This comes mere days after the execution and crucifixion of a Yemeni doctor who was a staff member of the rural medical center.
Yemeni army forces, in cooperation with the security services and the tribes of the province, successfully cleared more than 1,000 square kilometers of area previously controlled by ISIS, al-Qaeda in Qaifah district.
Observers expect that the army forces backed by popular committees will continue the process of liberation of Bayda province from Daesh and al-Qaeda elements in the coming days after those elements suffered major defeats, at the hands of army forces, which hundreds of its terrorist elements dead and wounded, as well as capturing dozens, including Saudis and other nationalities.