YEMEN Press Agency

20 Saudi-led air strikes hit 4 Yemeni provinces

SANAA, Aug. 27 (YPA) – The US-backed Saudi-led aggression coalition’s fighter jets launched on Thursday 20 air strikes on four Yemeni provinces over the past hours, a security source told Yemen Press Agency.

In Jawf, the source declared that coalition’s warplanes waged 10 raids on Khub Washaaf district.

In Marib, the aircrafts targeted Sirwah and Majzar districts with three strikes and attacked Mahlya district two times, while two air raids hit Sawadiah district of Bayda province.

In Saada, three strikes targeted al-Faraa area of Kutaf district and Saudi missile and artillery bombardment hit residential villages in border Monabih district.

Meanwhile, coalition’s mercenaries committed 151 violations of Sweden’s agreement in Hodeidah province.