YEMEN Press Agency

Sharp divisions hit UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council

ADEN, Aug. 23 (YPA) – Media sources reported on Saturday that the leaders of the UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council (STC) in Aden are moving towards the ousting Hani bin Brik, vice president of the so-called STC from his post.

The sources confirmed that prominent leaders in the STC, demanded the dismissal of Ben Brik, which provoked widespread anger in the southern provinces, because of his excessive support for UAE-Israeli relations, more than the Israelis themselves.

The same sources explained that the leader Ben Brik, put some leaders in great embarrassment in front of his supporters, who turned to normalization at the expense of the southern issue, and his desire to visit the capital of the Zionist entity “Tel Aviv”.

Last Thursday, seven members of the Southern Movement announced their disownment of UAE’-backed Council” in an angry demonstration against the UAE-Israel normalization.