YEMEN Press Agency

Obama attacking Trump: Never took his office seriously

SANAA, Aug. 20 (YPA) – Former Democratic President Barack Obama has confirmed  that his Republican successor, Donald Trump, has “never taken” his office seriously, accusing him of being incompetent to lead “the most powerful country in the world.”

“I really hoped, for our country, that Donald Trump would show some interest in taking his job seriously,” Obama said in a speech to the Democratic National Convention, from which the organizers of the conference published excerpts.

He added that Trump “has shown no interest in doing what it takes to do his job nor any interest in finding common ground. Donald Trump didn’t amount  to the level of office because he couldn’t.

“Tonight, I am asking you to believe in Joe and Kamala’s ability to lead this country out of dark times and build it back better,” he said on the convention’s third night, also calling upon Americans to “embrace your own responsibility as citizens — to make sure that the basic tenets of our democracy endure Because that’s what’s at stake right now. Our democracy.”

Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden, who was under Obama as his vice president, nominated Senator Kamala Harris to serve as vice president if he wins.

Obama, one of the most popular politicians in the United States, has in recent months campaigned video campaigns in support of Biden and has raised millions of dollars for his campaign.