YEMEN Press Agency

Zarif: US and Saudi policies have brought Lebanon to what it is today

SANAA, Aug. 18 (YPA) – Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said on Tuesday that it is the US and Saudi wrong policies that have brought Lebanon to where it is today.

Mohammad Javad Zarif stressed that Saudi Arabia and America had a duty to compensate for the destruction in Lebanon without imposing preconditions.

Zarif added that after meeting with a number of officials in Lebanon, it is likely that “the explosion of the port of Beirut is caused by an inadvertent accident,” calling on Lebanon to conduct an investigation into the explosion of the port independently and other countries can help him in the investigation.

He said that French President Emmanuel Macron’s proposal to form a government of national unity in Lebanon is very good, stressing that Lebanon should focus on reconstruction and postponing the political talks.

The Iranian foreign minister considered that the American pressure to form a non-political government in Lebanon is illogical and meaningless in Lebanon for a non-political state.