YEMEN Press Agency

Japan cancels deployment of American missiles on its soil

SANAA, June 25 (YPA) – Japan’s National Security Council decided to cancel plans to deploy two US Aegis Ashur ground-based missile defense systems.

This was stated by Defense Minister Taro Kono at a ruling Liberal Democratic Party meeting on security issues.

“The result of the discussions in the National Security Council was the decision to cancel the publication of Aegis Ashur in Yamaguchi and Akita prefectures,” the minister was quoted by NHK television as saying.

Meanwhile, he expressed concern that, given the situation in the East China Sea, destroyers equipped with the Aegis information management system are not sufficient to guarantee the country’s security completely.

Kono said “It is now necessary to think in the medium and long term about what to do,” adding, “We intend to exchange views with the government and the party. ”