YEMEN Press Agency

Belgium: Bruges mayor stabbed in the neck

SANAA, June 22 (YPA) – The mayor of Bruges,  Belgium, was seriously injured after being stabbed in the neck on Saturday.

The mayor Dirk De fauw said that he knew the attacker. He also thought that the attack is not politically motivated.

On Sunday, the 62-year-old lawyer told ” VRT” radio station that he had an appointment with the man suspected of stabbing. The suspect might be one of the company’s clients.

He said: “I was lucky because it was a short knife, and a suspect was arrested, but the motive for the attack is still unclear.

Dirk De fauw suffered serious injuries after being stabbed in the neck, and was taken to hospital for an operation.

Bruges is a popular tourist destination near the coast in western Belgium with a population of about 120,000.