YEMEN Press Agency

UAE occupation sends military reinforcements to STC in Hadhramaut

HADRAMAUT, June 22 (YPA) – Tribal sources in Hadhramaut have on Monday, revealed the arrival of new Emirati reinforcements for the UAE-backed Southern transitional Council (STC) militias in the province.

This coincides with Abu Dhabi’s detention of Hadhramaut Governor, Faraj al-Bahsni loyal to Hadi,  amid an unprecedented escalation of the Council.

According to the sources, the reinforcements include tanks, armoured vehicles and various heavy and medium weapons. These weapons were handed over to the Burshid camp, led by Abdul-Da’im al-Shuaibi. Most of the members of this camp is from Dhalea and Yafa districts who support separatists

Earlier this week, the brigade, whose forces controlled over the Hadhramaut coast, announced its combat readiness.

The UAE’s support comes ahead of mass demonstrations by supporters of the pro-STC, amid expectations that the units will be based in Mukalla to take control of the city.