YEMEN Press Agency

4 recruits of STC militia wounded in armed attack in Lahj

LAHJ, May 5 (YPA) – At least four recruits of the UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council (STC) militia were wounded on Monday in an armed attack targeted them in Lahj province, southern Yemen.

Local source explained that a gunman on a bus refused to be inspected by a checkpoint of the so-called “security belt force”, and threw a grenade at soldiers of the security point, which led to injuring four of them.

The security belt point soldiers opened fire at the gunman, injuring him in his back, and then he was taken to the hospital in al-Hota city, according to the source.

Lahj province under the STC control has been witnessing unprecedented insecurity since five years, which caused chaos and the high rate of crimes, assassinations and killings amid the complete absence of Hadi government and its forces.