YEMEN Press Agency

Army forces move towards Marib Dam after controlling sensitive areas

MARIB, April 19 (YPA) – The Yemeni army and popular committees fought at dawn Sunday the fiercest battles since the start of the war on Yemen on March 26, 2015, local sources in Marib told Yemen Press Agency.

The sources indicated that the army and the committees were able to repel a massive military attack by the coalition forces towards Kofal camp in Serwah district.

The army and the popular committees moved into the positions of the coalition forces in several areas, towards Marib Dam and Thunna valley, after controlling al-Asidah and al-Manjurah hills, the sources added.

The clashes approached Jamila area, and the battles are taking place between the army and the people’s committees the coalition forces that include elements of al-Qaeda led by Abdulrazzaq al-Baqma known as “Abu Hudhayfah al-Dajra.”

The sources revealed that the hospitals of the city of Marib were filled with the corpses of the coalition militants, including Colonel Abdullah Ahmad al-Farass, Abdulhadi Jaber al-Shabwani and Hussein Saleh Amer al-Abidi, while Brigadier Hamad bin Saleh Wahidh was wounded.