YEMEN Press Agency

Tensions between coalition forces in Marib turn into mutual arrest for treason

MARIB, March 24 (YPA) – Informed sources in Marib province on Tuesday said that there is a campaign of mutual arrests among military leaders loyal to Saudi-led coalition, especially those who held positions in Jawf province before they fled to Marib.

All coalition military commanders in Jawf were completely arrested, and most of them were tried militarily, the sources added.

The sources pointed out that the arrest campaign comes within the struggle for influence and control between the armed factions affiliated with the coalition, during which each party arrests the other for treason.

Mohammed Tawaf, director of the “Intelligence Department” of Islah Party militias in the city of Marib, ordered the arrest of military leaders subject to Sagheer bin Aziz, chief of staff of Hadi’s Forces, loyal to the UAE, according to the sources.