YEMEN Press Agency

Marib’s Serwah witnesses important military, tribal meetings

MARIB, March 19 (YPA) – A meeting held Thursday in Serwah district of Marib province discussed ways to enhance the popular steadfastness in confronting Saudi-led coalition forces and to support fronts.

The meeting, which was attended by Chief of Operations of the Third Military Region Brigadier General Abdulwali al-Houthi, local officials, sheikhs and dignitaries of the district, touched on the field victories achieved by the army and popular committees in the outskirts of Serwah, as well as ways to support the fronts with money, men and gear to maintain security, stability and public tranquility.

At the meeting, Brig. Gen. al-Houthi praised the national positions of Juhm tribes and their role in confronting the coalition’s forces and thwarting its plans.

He affirmed that the army and the popular committees stood by the district’s sons in completing the liberation of the remaining areas in the district, as well as the liberation of Marib province fully from the desecration of the invaders.

In turn, the sheikhs and dignitaries of the Serwah district affirmed their willingness to support the fronts and stand by the army and the popular committees in the battle of honor and heroism.