YEMEN Press Agency

YPC’s Employees continue to protest in front of UN HQ in Sanaa

SANAA, March 14 (YPA) – On Friday, Employees of the Yemeni Petroleum Company (YPC), its unions and bodies and a large gathering of citizens staged a vigil in front of the United Nations office in Sanaa after Friday prayers, entitled “UN ignite wars and kills peoples.”

During the vigil, which was attended by the Executive Director of the Company Mr. Yasser Al-Wahi, the spokesman for the YPC  Amin al-Shabbati explained that the Saudi-led coalition aggression still holding nine oil ships loaded with more than 260,000 tons of gasoline and diesel, the first ship has been detained for more than 132 days.

Al-Shabbati stressed that the United Nations is contributing to the killing of the Yemeni people, mainly with its shameful and suspicious position on the arbitrary measures being taken by the coalition against oil ships and preventing their access to the port of Hodeidah.

A statement issued by the protesters confirmed their continuation of the open sit-in and vigils in front of the UN office in Sanaa until all their legitimate demands are met.

The statement reiterated its call on the UN to release oil derivatives ships and neutralize the YPC, its facilities and its agents’ stations from being targeted.

The statement also called on the United Nations to lift the embargo on Sanaa International Airport and Ras Isaa port and carry out  its humanitarian and legal responsibilities to the Yemeni people.