YEMEN Press Agency

Iranian army moves to evacuate streets, shops in country within 24 hours

SANAA, March 14 (YPA) – Iranian army forces are heading to clear streets across the country within 24 hours in an effort to control the spread of the new Corona virus (Covid-19,Iran’s armed forces chief of staff said Friday.

A newly formed committee will oversee the “evacuation of shops and streets” from people in the next 24 hours, armed forces chief of staff Major General Mohammad Bagheri said in remarks quoted by television stations.

“Over the next 10 days, all Iranians will be monitored through cyberspace and phones and, if necessary, personally. All persons suspected of being ill will be identified.”

The measures came into effect after the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Republic, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, ordered the armed forces to lead operations to combat the new corona virus.

The latest measures are the most stringent in Iran, to counter what has been seen as among the worst outbreaks outside China.

On Friday, the Islamic Republic announced 85 new deaths from the virus, the highest daily toll since the first deaths were declared on February 19th.