YEMEN Press Agency

Haftar Forces announce downing of 6 Turkish drone planes

SANAA, Feb. 29 (YPA) – The commander of the Libyan National Army’s Western Region Operations Room, led by Field Marshal Khalifa Haftar, announced that six Turkish drone planes were shot down as militants tried to launch an aerial attack against the army.

“Terrorist gangs tried to attack the “national army” forces by using drones and hitting more civilian targets,” Libyan army spokesman Major General Ahmed al-Mesmari quoted the Western Region Operations Room as saying.

“Radar reconnaissance operations are continuing to capture enemy aircraft, which confirms the air sovereignty of the Libyan National Army.”

The director of the Department of Moral Guidance in the Libyan National Army, Brigadier Khaled Al Mahjoub said all Turkish troop positions are under army fire, adding: “The army targeted a drone location and a radar platform.”

This comes after the Libyan Army General Command announced the death of a number of Turkish soldiers, in a bombardment by army forces on the “Maitika base” on Wednesday evening.