YEMEN Press Agency

STC demands arrest of commander in Hadi’s forces

ADEN, Nov. 23 (YPA) – The UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council (STC) has demanded the arrest of a senior military commander in forces of exiled Hadi after his arrival Friday in the southern city of Aden.

“Nothing justifies the failure to arrest Amjad Khalid, commander of the public transport brigade belonging to Hadi’s presidential protection forces, after returning to Aden, whatever his protector,” said Salah bin Laghbar, a medial official of STC.

Laghbar pointed out that the arrest of Amjad Khalid, who he described as a terrorist, is a necessity for his involvement in killing thousands of innocent people, in addition to crimes of banditry, looting and robbery in the city of Aden.

Brigadier General Amjad Khalid returned to Aden within the joint military committee on Friday, amid a large celebration of fireworks in Dar Saad area.