YEMEN Press Agency

Report: Over 25 killed, 30 injured in 37 Saudi-led airstrikes on Yemen over 24 hours


SANAA, April 23 (YPA) – At least 25 Yemeni civilians were killed and 30 injured, including women and children, when US-backed Saudi-led coalition launched 37 airstrikes on several districts of Yemen’s provinces over the past 24 hours, Ansar Allah Media Center said in a statement obtained by Yemen Press Agency on Monday.


·         In Hajjah province:

At least 20 civilians were killed and 30 injured, including children and women, in an initial toll in two Saudi-led airstrikes targeted wedding in Raqah village of Bani-Qais district.

All family members, consist of five, were killed in two airstrikes targeted their home in a Tinah area of Medi district.

Two airstrikes were waged on Mazroq area of Haradh district.


·         In Saada province:

Three airstrikes hit Qahzah area.

Two airstrikes was waged on Wad-Masud area of Sihar district.

Meanwhile, artillery and missile attacks targeted Ghir area of Ghamer district and several areas of Razeh and Munabeh border districts.

·         In Taiz province:

Seven airstrikes hit around Khaled camp.

Four airstrikes were waged on Warazan area of Khadir district, there is report about casualties.

·         In Lahj province:

Two airstrikes hit Hamalh area of Karsh district.

·         In Bayda province:

3 lighting bombs were dropped on Hazimiah area and Safraa mounts in Mukiras.

Three airstrikes were launched on Yasbil area.

Two airstrikes on FAdh’ha area of NAtea district.

·         In Hodeidah district:

An airstrike targeted Marir area of Jabl-Ras district.

·         In Ibb province:

4 Saudi-led airstrikes were waged on 33rd  Brigade Camp in Sabrah district.


 Sameera Hassn